After all this while, it should not be a piece of news to anyone that The Flash series has come to an end the series will no longer air, and there will be no further seasons.
If you go through, you will find other articles related to The Flash series where we have not only talked about why the series ended, but we have also talked about its cast and characters and dissected all the episodes of season 9.
After discussing all the episodes, today is the turn of The Flash season 9 episode 13 review. This review entails a summary of the show’s last episode and what we think could have been better in the episode. So read along if you’re interested.
The Flash Season 9 Episode 13 Review – What is the Hype About?

“A New World, Part 4” from The Flash season 9 episode 13 is followed by Parts 1, 2, and 3. Eric Wallace and Sam Chalsen wrote the script for the episode, which was directed by Vanessa Parise.
Episode 13 of season 9 of the television program, which airs every week, debuted on May 24, 2023.
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Brief Storyline | The Flash Season 9 Episode 13 Review
In the 12th episode of The Flash Season 9, we saw how Eddie reappears and a series of events take place leading to Eddie opening up a portal.
In the 13th episode of the show, we see that he has now become Cobalt Blue. Eddie brings back Eobard Thawne, Hunter Zolomon / Zoom, Savitar, and August Heart / Godspeed and integrates them in the Negative Speed Force as a speedster known as Cobalt Blue.
Allegra saves Chester from Eobard, Cecile accepts her future outfit and appellation Virtue, and Jay Garrick steals Eddie’s speed. To achieve additional speed, Eddie withdraws into the Negative Speed Force. Wanting to save Eddie, Barry goes after him and persuades him to not be similar to Eobard.
Barry tries to tell Eddie that a world where both of them live together in harmony is way better than otherwise. The crystal that Eddie possessed is destroyed by him and Barry and Iris finally get his blessings. Barry then goes back to Iris at the hospital.
Chester is a metahuman with black hole abilities, according to Mark. Harrison Wells instructs Khione to ascend as the defender of the natural order the morning after Nora is born. She bids Team Flash farewell before giving Caitlin her body back.
A week later at the celebration of the new beginnings (or should we say endings) Caitlin finally gets an apology from Barry for the way things were left between them.
While still acting as The Flash before his retirement, Barry releases a lightning bolt and selects Avery Ho, Max Mercury, and Jess Chambers to become the next speedsters.
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The Flash Season 9 Episode 13 Review | Key Highlights
- Eddie brings back Eobard.
- Cecile gets engaged.
- Chesters come out to be a Metahuman with Blackhole activities.
- Barry persuades Eddie to live together instead of fighting.
- Barry retires and elects new speedsters.
The Flash Season 9 Episode 13 Review

Preparing for the final battle, the team Flash gets so much support. Getting themselves ready for one last sprint before ascending into a happy ending forever.
Barry has aligned with the normal timeline as his wife prepares to deliver their baby. But it does not go as smoothly as planned. On the way, he gets a showdown by Cobalt Blue and is dragged out of the hospital.
With no additional deal, Barry gets a backup force which is joined by XS who has come from the future. And this whole scenario results in the fight of the century all across the Central City.
While Virtue, Cecile Horton’s new heroic persona, utilizes her advancing abilities to subjugate Godspeed and his army of copies, XS triumphs over Savitar. Zoom is defeated by a strike group that is personally commanded by Captain David Singh and Captain Kristen Kramer after Khione and Chillblaine trick him into a trap set by the Central City Police Department.
While The Flash should have been the best and superior season of all the seasons, the reality is that it couldn’t set the bar that high. The Flash season 9 episode 13 was rated 5.8/10, while The Flash season 9 episode 12 was only rated 2/10 – which would also be reflected in the review of the same episode (by onlycomicuniverse).
You would now begin to understand why there is possibly no The Flash season 10. The viewership of the show deserved so much more thrill in the last season of the show however it just went flat.
At this point, it was exhausting to see so many returns (not that it was a bad thing) as death loses its true meaning when you can just summon a character or human back with just a plot twist.
The Flash Season 9 Episode 13 Review – Final Voice
The Flash’s series conclusion, though, is still held down by its overly vast supporting cast, who never truly clicked as a unit. It’s challenging to generate interest in a confrontation between Eddie and characters like Mark Blaine, who never provided a compelling argument for why he should remain on the program.
Regarding the main cast members, Iris West-Allen is once again deprived of the chance to be the primary focus of the action, but Patton excels in her hospital sequences. When they are together, she and Gustin still have a special luster, and they both have an impressive capacity to convey the feelings that come with introducing a new baby into the world.
Khione does get her happy ending when she becomes a goddess instead of a demi-goddess reviving Caitlin.
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FAQs | The Flash Season 9 Episode 13 Review
1. Is The Flash last season good?
Although The Flash season 9 was supposed to sum up and give a great conclusion to the series, critics believe that the show failed to touch the mark.
2. Is Flash worth watching in 2023?
The movie The Flash is worth watching. However, if you talk about the 9th season of The Flash (series) you will have to watch it if you have seen the last 8 seasons.
3. Why was The Flash Season 9 so bad?
The Flash Season 9 was so bad because there were too many characters who could not reach their true potential in the show.
4. Is The Flash a successful show?
Overall, yes. The Flash was an astounding success.
5. Is The Flash Season 9 the last season?
Yes, there will be no more seasons of The Flash.
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