As we all know that The Flash was an incredible blend of highs and lows but still this made this part worth it in the family of shows! Let’s dig into the best episode from each season to elevate the shining aspect of the show.
Every Season has at least one episode to make it incredibly stand out amongst the all. The show was from 2014 to 2023 and successfully fitted in the comic characters along with the superheroes. It even included some incredible flashes of time travel and parallel worlds, the show’s legacy of the Arrowverse and other such adaptations is undoubtedly impossible to ignore!
We could find 20 episodes per season contributing enough to its thick-thin and bitter-sweet journey. Somewhere it became really predictable and repetitive whereas, on the other hand, there were some flabbergasting moments from the show that left no match, so without further lingering let’s get into the best episode from each season.
The Flash Season 1 Episode 15 – ‘Out Of Time’

Since it is the primary season of the series it had it all new hence every episode was full of secrets and decoding but the 15th episode really was really breathtaking. It not just acted as a highlight for the show but it acted like the limelight for Arrowverse as a whole.
The Flash Season 1 showcases how Cisco and Caitlin decode Harrison Wells as the Reverse Flash. It has that one amazing scene wherein Thawne decodes his plan before killing Cisco and to be honest it is one of the best scenes from the series.
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The Flash Season 2 Episode 6 – ‘Enter Zoom’

It was tough for The Flash season 2 to make its mark after the very successful first season! The second season however could not make it up to the expectations of the audience but ‘The Arrival Of The Zoom’ turned out to be really beneficiary! The Zoom really gave a tough challenge to the villains of the first season that was actually liked by the audience and inevitably the sixth episode really established itself by almost killing Barry Allen.
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The Flash Season 3 Episode 22 – ‘Infantino Street’

The Flas season 3 revolved around the demise of Iris West which Barry Allen faced in the future and now decided to evade. This attempt to change the future really became continuous, boring, and repetitive but as the season went by the creators took judicious use of the concept! In the end, when Iris dies, it really created a sensation of tension, horror, and shock and simultaneously the reach of the third season grew high.
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The Flash Season 4, Episode 8 – ‘Crisis On Earth’

Although the episodes were crossover they still played a very remarkable job in the show! The storyline goes over Barry Allen’s supporting character but still, they made a good pedestal in the show! This episode was no doubt the best one with regards to the season fourth as we could experience all the evil facets of the classic Arrowverse battling with the heroes!
This one really bought the comic book to life and the audience was left spellbound after that! Also, we can not forget the interaction between Arrow, Supergirl, and The Legends, this episode is a commendable merge of fun and action!
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The Flash Season 5 Episode 9 – ‘Elseworlds Part 1’
Interestingly the fifth’s season’s best episode was also a crossover one wherein the usual crossover formula was broken! We could witness the friendship between Allen and Oliver which was really suave to our eyes, moreover, this was one of the primary foundations for making it the best episode out of the whole season! It was so much gleeful to watch the swap their bodies, in addition, the audience came to the conclusion that Flash, Supergirl, and Superman all three together really made the crossover ten times better.
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The Flash Season 6, Episode 9 – ‘Crisis On Infinite Earths’
This episode was centric to The Flash! It provided us with a sneak peek as to how important Barry Allen was in terms of Comics, it made us witness the adaptation of DC’s Crisis on Infinite Earths – a comic book. The fact that they showed how Allen from Earth-90 died in the crisis really did a commendable job of uplifting the episode. This episode is by far the best one as far as the COIE crossovers are concerned.
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The Flash Season 7, Episode 2 – ‘The Speed Of Thought’
This episode showed the fun side of the series in apropos of Barry Allen’s powers as how fast can The Flash think! ‘The Speed Of Thought’ was greatly influenced by the artificial speed force powers showcasing Frost as the Speedster, this was a great decision by the creators as it was highly fun to watch the return of the character.
The whole episode was centric to Barry Allen which turned out to be a boon in terms of amplification of the same.
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The Flash Season 8, Episode 18 – ‘The Man In The Yellow Tie’
This episode involved a very exciting return of the Reverse Flash which was super exciting! It even introduced Barry Allen to Dr. Eobard Thawne whilst investigating a new machine. The episode is the epitome of suspense and thrill, moreover, the mystery of Thawne acted as a pioneer in making this episode a hit one! This one revealed some really exciting secrets and even wrapped up the story of Diggle’s ‘Green Lantern’.
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The Flash Season 9, Episode 10 – ‘A New World’
The ninth episode turned out to be a boon in the finale season! No doubt the finale series was confusing and mind-boggling, The Reunion Episode was a great episode that compensated for the disappointment.
This one revealed who The Future Flash was along with some exciting story of Flash explaining who saved Barry Allen from Reverse Flash! This episode was a really sweet sum up and extremely nostalgic full. It matched the episode first of the series making it a really special and remembered one.
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