At present major population of world is suffering from the problem of obesity but on the other side there are people who are suffering from underweight problem too. They are searching answer of their questions like how to gain weight in a week or in few days.
Major people around the world are either suffering from overweight or underweight problem. Actually there are few people around us who are fit and healthy.
Either you talk about over weight or under weight both are equal severe problems. Both kinds of problems can lead to other health harms in long terms if not treated. Therefore it is very important to solve these problems within time.
10+ Productive ways on how to gain weight in a week –
1. Carbohydrate Rich Diet

Food that contains a good amount of carbohydrates is a great source to gain weight quickly. They contain a good amount of calories which will be helpful in gaining weight in our body.
Carbohydrates that contain high sugar, less fiber, and nutrition value as well processed ones can play a key role in gaining weight.
Bread, plates of pasta, Crackers, and baked goods made with white flour are carbohydrate-rich items that will be helpful in gaining weight in your body.
Sugar beverages, snacks, Desserts sugar-rich breakfast cerals, and Fast foods are also calorie-rich items that can play a vital role in increasing the weight of your body. Therefore it will be the first answer to our question of how to gain weight in a week.
2. Adding Red meat to your diet plan

It has been found that red meat played a crucial role in adding weight to our body. Steak, as well as red meat, consists of protein and fat which increments the weight of our body.
Adding red meat and stake in your diet and consuming meat at equal intervals will add weight to your body. But you have to consume them in a limited quantity. Eating an extra amount can lead to other health problems.
According to research, it has been found that red meat has helped women aged between (60 – 90) years to increase their weight by approximately 18 percent.
3. By Eating Butter And Ghee

Clarified butter contains saturated fat and calories in a good amount which will be very helpful in adding weight to our body. And as well ghee is a great source of saturated fat which can play a vital role in increasing the weight of our body.
Adding ghee and butter to your diet not only helps you gain weight but also adds good taste to your food. Cow Ghee is very beneficial as it generates enzymes that play a crucial role in the detoxification of the body.
Ghee contains antioxidants which help us to look younger also it has anti-aging and anti-wrinkle properties. Ghee makes our digestive system path smooth by making our digestion process better.
4. By Eating Cheese and Yogurt

Eating cheese and Yogurt is very beneficial to gain weight. Cheese contains a good amount of fat, protein, calcium, calories, and other nutrients such as vitamin A, phosphorus and potassium, etc.
Consuming cheese extra can directly add more calories to your body which in turn will increase weight at a faster rate.
Yogurt can also be effective in gaining weight but plain yogurt is not as effective as yogurt with extra fat content. Yogurt with extra fat will directly add calories to the body.
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5. Pure Milk

Milk provides almost all major nutrients which are essential for the smooth functioning of the body. Carbohydrates, protein, and fat are major ingredients of food. These ingredients contain a good amount of calories which will be very effective in gaining weight.
Protein, one of the major ingredients of milk can be very beneficial for muscle makers. Drinking milk 2-3 times can help a lot to those who are looking to gain weight as well for people who work out.
6. Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate is a great source of fat and high calorie to the body. It also exhibits antioxidant bodies.
Chocolate containing 70 percent cacao content will be very effective for weight increment. Dark chocolates are available at our nearby stores and also at online stores.
7. Add Dried Fruits To Your Diet Plan

Dried Fruits are those from which maximum water content is removed by use of any natural ways or by other means. Dried sources are also a great source of nutrients as well as calories. They are a huge source of energy.
Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Corn Nuts, Hazel Nuts, Macadamia, Peanuts, Pecans, Pine Nuts, Pistachio, Walnuts, etc are powerful sources of energy for our body.
8. Whole Grains To Add Weight To Your Body

Whole grains consist of more fiber, vitamins, minerals as compared to refined grains. Refined grains lost it’s major nutrients at the time of processing therefore they are not as effective as whole grains.
White rice, buckwheat, Couscous, crackers, etc are beneficial from a weight gain point of view.
9. Adding Salmon(Oily Fish) To Your Diet

Salmon is a rich source of fats, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore they should be a part of your diet if you are looking for weight increment.
10. By Drinking Protein Shakes

As clear from their name, protein shakes are rich sources of protein that can add weight to your body more actively.
But you have to consume it in a proper way as the shakes which are available in the market consist of large sugar content which is not good for health. Therefore it is better to make a homemade protein shake which will be more beneficial for health.
So these are some ways which can be effective to solve your problem – how to gain weight in a week at home. They will help you to gain weight smoothly without any harm. But you have to understand these ways cannot help to gain weight in 1-2 days, at least they will take a week to show some results.
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